• Bottle opener
  • Bottle opener
  • Bottle opener

Bottle opener

design Kamasada

No.130 / JPY1,100
N0.154 / JPY1,100
No.155 / JPY1,100
No.159 / JPY1,100
No.130 / W.38 D.6 H.103mm
No.154 / W.50 D.6 H.120mm
No.155 / W.45 D.6 H.122mm
No.159 / W.48 D.6 H.80mm

Simple, modern design bottle openers are made by Kamasada, the long-established cast iron studio. Present leading figure Nobuho Miya has been living in Finland and works internationally. We can see some similarity with Scandinavian Design on his works in the aspect of its light and sophisticated design whereas taking after the traditional Japanese techniques from Meiji Period (1868-1912). As well as daily use, it is also perfect for small gift.


  • Bottle opener No130

    Bottle opener No130

  • Bottle opener No154

    Bottle opener No154

  • Bottle opener No155

    Bottle opener No155

  • Bottle opener No159

    Bottle opener No159

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  • Kamasada / Nobuho Miya

    Kamasada is a variation of Nanbu Tekki Ironware technique that was created in the Meiji Period (1868-1912). At the moment, the leading figure of Kamasada, Nobuho Miya was born in 1952. After he graduated from Kanazawa College of Art, he continued with postgraduate studies at Tokyo University of the Arts. He creates simplistic products for everyday use while protecting the traditional technique.. The beautiful black color and sturdiness of iron are combined in his unique design. Miya creates various items from ornaments to kitchenware and has become popular both within and outside Japan.